See you soon

Im going to take a little break from this website… Those of you that know me know that I love cooking, and baking, and feeding (mainly feeding). I love markets and shopping for food. I love sneaking off into the kitchen and playing. I love gifting meals and often turn to nourishment as a way of showing love. But here is the thing, right now I am just not feeling inspired. Its very hard to find a balance between wanting to write about food and wanting to be successful writing about food. It isn’t enough anymore to simply cook and share. I need to time the posts, post at least five times a week, link to Facebook, share on Instagram, engage on Pinterest, be witty on Twitter. In order to attract an audience and work I need to be 100% on each of those outlets. And if I was to be 100% amazing online I can guarantee that I wouldn’t be 100% offline. Read more

Shiny new things

It has been a while! Hello…how are you all? I promise I haven’t been doing nothing. The last few months have been busy, we moved to Munich, welcomed our daughter into the world and did some traveling. And now, I am finally back in the kitchen. The last 9months have been a whirlwind, and more often than not I have relied on staples, fallbacks and sushi takeout to get us through the sleep regressions, the family visits and the teething. But now, slowly the dust is beginning to settle and I have found myself spending more and more time in the kitchen.

As you can see, I have also updated my website. Two amazing guys Ben and Colin have done a huge amount of work and I can only recommend them if you are looking for techy wonder. You can now look up recipes in the recipe pages and find ideas for meals or simply search by key words or ingredients. You can also stay up to date with any news on the news page and see any upcoming workshops or projects.

And…just incase that wasn’t enough, I have also launched a sister site, MamaN which is where you can find all my baby food and children friendly recipes

Thank you all for all the ongoing support and stay tuned for lots of new an exciting recipes

Y x