
Nordic cabbage salad

8 brussels sprouts
1 large handful stemmed kale
2 slices red cabbage
30g chopped hazelnuts
1 grated apple

For the dressing:
2 tbsp tahini
1 tbsp honey
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tbsp water
salt & pepper

Finely slice the brussels sprouts and red cabbage
Tear the kale and add to the other cabbages, along with the apple and the chopped hazelnuts
In a separate bowl whisk the tahini, honey, lemon juice, water and seasoning
Pour over the cabbage and massage in with your hands

Kale and courgette buckwheat pasta

Ingredients (2 large portions)
100g kale
2 courgettes
Juice and zest of 2 lemons
1 tbsp ground pepper
3 tbsp olive oil
100g buckwheat pasta

Place your pasta into a large pan of boiling slightly salted water
Bring to the boil and simmer for 8minutes (or according to the packet)
Whilst the pasta cooks, wash and tear up your kale
Place it into a large bowl with the lemon juice and zest, the pepper and the oil
Massage the dressing into the kale for a minute to help soften the kale
Using the julienne peeler, peel the outer sections of the courgettes and place into the bowl with the kale (its best to chop the strands up a little to make them easier to eat)
Once the pasta is al dente, drain and scald with boiling water
Add to the bowl with the greens and toss everything together well


Chickpea pancakes

Ingredients (makes 14 small pancakes)
250g Chickpea flour (socca)
400ml water
Salt & pepper

Place the flour, water and seasoning into a large jar
Whisk well to break up any lumps – you need a smooth batter
Leave to rest for 30mins
Once rested, place some coconut oil into a frying pan
Add small circles of the mixture and cook over a medium to high heat
Flip over once bubbles form on the upper crust of the pancakes
Cook until golden brown and bubbly
Enjoy topped with sweet or savory foods

Roasted tomato soup with kale croutons

1 onion
1 red pepper
5 large ripe tomatoes
1 tsp cumin
2 tbsp olive oil
750 ml vegetable stock
Salt & pepper
100g kale

Pre heat your oven to 180C
Slice the tomatoes, pepper into chunks and toss in the olive oil
Spread onto a baking tray and place into the oven
Roast for 25 minutes or until soft and cooked through
De-stem the kale, wash and dry well
Rub with 1 tbsp olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper
Place into the oven for 20 minutes until crispy – remove and leave to cool
Finely dice the onion and place into a large saucepan with 1 tsp of olive oil and the cumin seeds
Gentle soften the onion and add in the cooked tomatoes and pepper
Add in the stock, bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes
Blend the mixture and serve garnished with kale crisps