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How to spend a day in Munich

It may sound a little controversial but if I were to spend my perfect day in Munich, I would head out of Munich for the morning. We live here, not for the city centre, but for the surroundings. We are here for the lakes & the mountains and for all the things that they have to offer.  So I would pack up the paddle boards and head to Woerthsee. It’s one of the smaller lakes and it’s only 25minutes outside town. It’s beautiful, with crystal clear water which is ideal for swimming, paddling or simply dipping your toes in as you sip espresso from il kiosko (the waterfront cafe). I would spend an hour paddling, the dog standing proud at the helm (this is obviously my fantasy day because the dog is terrified of water & would either be trying frantically to climb into my arms or have capsized us within the first minute)

On the way back into the city, I would stop and pick up pumpkins from the roadside honesty market stalls to keep me inspired in the kitchen.

Back in town we would pull in at Ella’s. This great coffee shop/restaurant is attached Lenbachhaus, an eclectic art gallery housed in a villa that was built in the 1800s. It has been added to with a modern wing but the original house at Konigsplatz, still stands with a beautiful private garden. Time permitting I would nip inside to marvel at Geigers “Rotbild” before swinging by the gallery shop for the coolest kids toys & the best cards (what is it about museum shops always having the best stuff?!)

From there I would cross town to TheresienStr, in the heart of Swabing, to have an order of Le Du. These happy dumplings are made to order and I’m obsessed with their steamed vegan parcels of joy. Stuffed with mushrooms, broccoli & tons of spice they are easily my favourite quick bite in town. To fuel my walk I’d pick up a scoop of elderflower “ice cream” at Ice Date. This plant based ice cream is made with cashews and sweetened naturally with dates and is beyond delicious.

From here I would head into the famous Englische Garten and aim for the surfers. There is a surfing spot in the park, just where the Eisbach river comes under the PrinzRegenten Str. You can’t miss the meter high man made wave and the huge population of surfers waiting in line to jump in.

This is the easiest place to time waste. Grab an apfelschorle at the nearby Fraulein Gruneis kiosk. This former toilet is now the coolest cafe serving up everything from vegan cakes and super strong espresso to Thai green curry. The lunch queue is always out the door. But I would pick up an ice cold apfelschorle to drink bankside. Apfelschorle is one of the greatest German inventions. It’s simply apple juice & sparkling water but it’s the single most refreshing drink and just so you chose wisely Fritz make the best one! If you need another spot of culture, the surf spot is sandwiched between Haus der Kunst and the Bavarian National museum which are both beautiful galleries to visit.

Haus der Kunst has a great bar at the back of it, overlooking the park. It’s a great place to have an Aperol Spitz aperitif.

For tea, I would cross back over the river & head back into my hood. With a baby to put to bed I would order in as a special treat. Once the day was done we would head into the garden. We would hang out with friends & eat delicious food from Chuchin (which has dangerously opened down the road from us). They make huge summer rolls served with a peanut spicy dipping sauce and also a fiery tofu & lemon grass curry. We would sit up late as the sun went down putting the world to rights. A perfect day in Munich!

A few more favourite things:

Tushita tea house is a tiny cafe specialising (unsurprisingly) in tea. Everyday at 12 they also serve a plant based Buddha bowl which is always delicious! Pick up cake too as they make crazy cool ones like matcha tea & lime or sugar free black sesame.

Ignore the huge pretzels & seek out “dinkel sesam bretzel” – these are spelt sesame pretzels & are the best portable snack. You’ll always find them at Backspielhaus or in bio (organic) shops.

Viktualien market is a treasure trove of seasonal foods but it’s also at tourist prices. Dotted all around the city centre are fruit & veg stands at local prices. They are always seasonal and always local produce.

Man vs Machine or Emilios make the best coffee in town. I have sacrificed my taste buds for this fact so trust me & head straight to them.

Don’t head home without picking up a tube of My Muesli. They have a shop on the Viktualien market & you have never seen this many options for breakfast. You can customise a tube, try before you buy & even get a muesli advent calendar.

Finally, make sure to head to a stationary shop & stock up on GMund. Founded in 1829 they are based in Tegernsee, and use hydroelectric power to run their factories. There products are beyond beautiful & you have not had a post it note until you have had a mountain shaped post it note.


Healthy magnums

There are times when I just want to be in the kitchen experimenting & last week was one of them. It felt like the cover of every food magazine was plastered with beautiful images of gelato & ice creams and all I wanted to do was try my hand at making my own.

I ordered various moulds online & as they arrived I got to work. These moulds were obviously designed for nothing less that home made magnums, in fact it would have been rude not to make homemade magnums in them.

Do you like magnums? They are certainly the husbands ice cream of choice but he eats them in the most specific/anti social way. He eats all the chocolate off the outside & then the ice cream centre. There is no way of sharing that…which is probably his intention!

Do you have certain ways of eating things? I prefer eating apples if they are sliced & also prefer peeling them & eating the “flesh” and peel separately. I don’t like cold milk in coffee, I drink tea black & really weak. My dad doesn’t eat sauces, not even ketchup or gravy and always says “good food doesn’t need sauce”. My mum only likes cold toast & never drinks the last dregs of her coffee but my favourite is that our neighbour carries a mini pepper grinder on his key ring to garnish anything he eats.

These magnums are light & creamy & delicious. They are rich & decadent but they are also refined sugar free, high in protein & packed with antioxidants. You can make these with greek yoghurt or coconut yoghurt as both work well. They are a treat as they taste great but they are also great for your body, surely what a treat should be. There are lots more ice creams coming your way so I hope you enjoy these & are ready for more! Happy summer!

Ingredients (makes 4)
1 tub Greek or coconut yoghurt (170g)
1 tbsp maple syrup
Seeds from 1 vanilla pod (optional)
100g raw or 80% chocolate

Mix the yoghurt, vanilla & maple syrup together & spoon into your ice Molly molds
Allow to freeze (6 hours or overnight)
Melt the chocolate
Remove the ice lollies from the moulds & cover in chocolate using a spoon (hold the ice lolly over the pan of chocolate & spoon chocolate over it)
You can also sprinkle on nuts or toppings but you have to act really quickly as the chocolate freezes almost instantly
Place the lollies onto a piece of baking paper & place back into the freezer for 1 hour
Remove 5 mins before enjoying