Peanut butter dog biscuits

Happy birthday Nanuk! Its the dogs 6th birthday today and obviously we are celebrating. We serenaded him this morning whilst the baby jumped on his head then headed out on the ‘surfer loop’. The loop starts at ours and takes us over the bridge and then into the park where there is a surf spot. Its the best moment, to watch these skilled athletes navigating the swell in turns whilst the rest of us vie for the best viewing spot. We then carry on through the park and then head home via the only bakery open around here on Sundays. Nanuk chased sticks, carried half a tree and then had a paddle in the Isar. He is now curled up in his bed, which is where I will imagine he will stay for most of the day.

I know bull terriers get a bad rap, and maybe I am biased, but Nanuk is the softest dog ever. The baby climbs all over him, pushes him over in his bed, steals his toys and demands our attention. Nanuk just lets it happen. He snuggles in for cuddles, guards me during every feed and runs to greet us every time we return. He is terrified of the bin men, of oven trays, loud noises, recycling lorries, thunder and loud rain. He loves sunbathing, hates baths and is the fussiest eater I have ever known.

I made these biscuits for him last night. They are full of ingredients to help keep him healthy, like coconut oil (for his skin) and cinnamon (for his breath). Peanut butter is chock full of vitamins and fats and also has a strong smell which means these work well as treats to play hide and seek with too.

These treats are designed for pooches but are safe for humans too…

1 cup flour

2 tbsp instant oats

2 tbsp coconut oil

1/2 cup peanut butter (unsalted)

1/4 cup mashed banana

1 tbsp cinnamon

1/4 cup beef/chicken stock (low sodium)

Preheat the oven to 180C

Mix all the ingredients together well until you have a thick dough

Place the dough onto a sheet of baking paper either roll out to about a 2cm thickness and cut out with a cookie


Roll pieces of the dough into balls then press flat with a fork

Bake until golden brown

Store in an airtight container

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