
Using chia seeds

While chia may not make the best omelette and would almost certainly struggle with clafoutis, you can easily use them to replace eggs in baking and in one rather simple step you can add a super boost to your favorite baked treats. Chia seeds have no taste but they pack a huge amount of nutrition.

DIY deodorant

Eating right is self care but self care is not limited to eating right. Self care, is for want of a more simple description, the act of taking care of yourself. Eating foods that nourish, that help you thrive, that feed you are vital but self care has many strings to its bow. Self care


A juice buying guide

I love the fact that healthy options are becoming more widespread. It is so easy now to get a gluten free sandwich, a great salad or a vegan desert. Vegan pop ups are flourishing and more and more chains are making sure that they offer a wider variety of natural, wholefood based options. Alongside that


Homemade toner

This is a quick ‘how to guide’. A DIY beauty hack to making your own homemade toner. I am very basic with my skin care I always have been. I dont use cleanser or soap, I dont exfoliate or scrub. I wash my face with, I spritz with rose water, I moisturize. It is nothing

A few of my favorite things

Beetroot – I’m happy this made it to the top of the list alphabetically. I love beetroot. I love it juiced, I love it as carpaccio, I love it roasted on salads. Beetroot is an excellent liver tonic and they are packed with iron and too. Like bananas they are an great source of potassium.